Sifting through the broken pieces to reclaim the voice, the body, the story that is rightfully yours.


Services Offered

I am able to offer therapy to clients in Alabama, both in person and virtually. I am also an approved telehealth provider in the state of Florida. Out of state, I am able to offer Story Work Consulting. What’s the difference? Learn more here.

Beginning the process of therapy/counseling or story work can be intimidating. Before you begin, I’d love to answer some of the most common questions people have about this journey.


Recommended Resources

Regardless of whether you are facing a particular issue or simply wanting to live more whole-heartedly, there are valuable resources that can help you on your journey. I’ve listed a few of my recommendations here.

My goal is to provide a safe relationship where healing and transformation can take place. I am committed to excellence in the care I provide.

Get to know more about me here.

I would love the privilege of bearing witness to your life and story.


My office is located in downtown Mobile, Alabama just minutes off of Interstates 10 and 165 in the Commerce Building. The downtown location enables me to serve the people of Mobile as well as the surrounding areas.